Författare: mats
Interview in South Korean Television
During a live broadcast in Seoul, where AMF participated, people related to the Swedish hospital in Busan could call in and tell their story. A total of eight people called in and shared their stories.
Swedish War Veterans guest of honor on photo exhibition in Busan
On September 13, 2017, a photo exhibition about the Swedish Red Cross Hospital in Busan was inaugurated. Busan Metropolitan City and the Busan Tourism Organisation invited Swedish war veterans and their family members to attend the inauguration that was also attended by the Swedish Ambassador and other dignitaries. A high light was the meeting between veterans and former patients. Local media also covered the event.
The Swedish group, that also included representatives from the documentary film team, was also invited to visit many of the war memorial sites in the city as well as examples of Busan’s hospitals and clinics. The Korean hosts showed gratitude not only for the Swedish contribution during the war, but also for laying the foundation for today’s modern health care system in South Korea.
The site of the Swedish Hospital in down town Busan is today a hot spot for Korea’s medical tourism. Thousands of foreign tourists come to Busan every year for different kinds if treatments and surgery.
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